Saturday, December 08, 2007

Groovy AOP - Redesign #3, Advise By Convention

This idea came solely from seeing what Grails's using for interception.
The idea is simple, like ActiveRecord pattern used in Grails (e.g., find*)

In Grails, users'd like to have before, after interceptions for their controllers, domain classes, etc.

Like this:

class MyController {
static beforeInterceptor = ['*', this.&auth]

and this:

class MyDomain {
String field1

static beforeUpdate = {


So Groovy AOP would support these kind of functionalities with conventions in its aspect language like the following for controllers:

MyController {
static aspect {
beforeAll { println 'test' } // = before(call:'*') { }
beforeUpdate { println 'test' } // = before(call:'update') {}

and following for domain class dynamic methods:

MyDomain {
static aspect = {
beforeSave { }
beforeUpdate { }
afterUpdate { }
afterSave { }
beforeNew {}

To sum up here, what Groovy AOP should support in its aspect language are before*, after*, and around* to simplify the use of AOP in practice.

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