Monday, December 03, 2007

Groovy AOP - Aspect Builder Redesign #1

I've just got Groovy AOP running first time with Groovy 1.1, and seriously I'm looking to integrate it with Grails when its 1.0 debuts. My problem now is still the classic AOP problem, how could we have an expressive and easy pointcut language for people?

I know that advantages of Groovy AOP to Grails are quite clear, but if and only if developers uses it. So I'm trying to re-design the pointcut language before getting 0.3 out.

class MyController {
static aspect = {
before(call:'*') { println 'something' }
before(withIn:'') { }
around(call:'update*') { inv ->
println 'before'
println 'after'
def pc = call('update*') & within('main')
around(pc) { inv ->
println 'before'
println 'after'

def update() {

def update2() {

Above is how we can embed "aspect" into Grails controller. I intend to leave the "static aspect" block to say that "hey, you're using AOP here". Don't know if people will have objection to this.

The shortest code we can use to have "before interceptor" for every method in the class is:

static aspect {
before(call:'*') { println 'before' }

Tomorrow, I'll continue with next thought about this.

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