Thursday, June 11, 2009

Complex Number in Groovy

Here's a quick note of making Groovy to support complex numbers:

1. override number operations via metaclass: = { n ->
  if(n instanceof Imaginary) {
    return new Complex(r:delegate, i:n.v)

2. define class Complex to hold real, r, and imaginary, i, parts
class Complex {
  def r
  def i
  String toString() {
    "$r + ${i}i"

3. create class Imaginary to be a wrapper class (I borrow this idea from Scala's implicit converter).
class Imaginary {
  def v

4. define i as a global closure. It would be in DefaultGroovyMethods, actually.
def i = { v ->
  new Imaginary(v:v)

Then when you write:
def b = 2 + i(2.4)
println b
println b.class

This prints "2 + 2.4i" and the type of b is class Complex.


Guillaume Laforge said...

What about adding i as a property on numbers? You'd be able to write 3 + 4.i

Anonymous said...

also : = { n ->
if(n instanceof Number) {
return new Complex(r:n, i:delegate.v)

is usefull for :

def c = i(2.4) + 2