Monday, February 09, 2009

Playing around XUL, JavaScript and jQuery

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
    <x:script type="application/x-javascript"
<x:script type="application/x-javascript; e4x=1">
  function test(){
    $('#b').attr("label", "3");
    var frag =
        <listitem value="4"
            label="new item"
            (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(
                frag.toXMLString(), 'text/xml'
    <x:button label="click me" oncommand="test();"/>
    <x:button id="b" label="2"/>
    <x:listbox id="l">
        <x:listitem value="1" label="item label"/>
        <x:listitem value="2" label="item label"/>
        <x:listitem value="3" label="item label"/>

The above code is to dynamically adding a new <listitem/> into listbox #l. It will be working fine when we get some XUL fragment remotely from the server-side as well. This is Gecko

What I've learned:
  • $("#id").get(0) returns a single element, while .get() returns a list.
  • e4x=1 tells the JavaScript parser to use the newer language spec.
  • jQuery works fine with XUL, but XML namespace is needed to avoid some gotcha because it's been designed to work with HTML, not actually XUL.
  • DOMParser works as expected
  • Gecko 1.9 solved a lot of bugs I was encountering in 1.8.
  • With Grails as a back-end, we can now create a dynamically half-Web/half-desktop app.


Ho denunciato Dio per stalking said...

Hi, i did some similiar with my FF extension but it broke some other installed estensions like diigo toolbar.

Puja said...

Can you help in answering questions of java script

Leon Victor said...

I want to create a popup to display the results of the application process is done, I want to use jQuery. I want to ask whether it is possible to use jQuery in XUL?