I'd just like to have a quick look to Hadoop's word-count example, if it can be written in Groovy.
Disclaimer: this code doesn't work !
class WordCountMapReduce {
def map = {key, value, output, reporter ->
def line = value.toString()
def itr = new StringTokenizer(line)
while(itr.hasMoreTokens()) {
output.collect(word, one)
def reduce = {key, values, output, reporter ->
int sum = 0;
values.each {
sum += it.get()
output.collect(key, sum)
It's time for Groovy to go fore massive computation?
1 comment:
I just finished building one. There are so many advantages of using groovy - especially the GPath and XML support. Think about it - XML is the lingua franca of the internet. Yet its such a pain in the ass to write code that maps xml to java objects. If you do everything in groovy - you can just use XMLParse on the xml records, and you have fully usable groovy objects - no craziness.
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